تفسیر خبر سه شنبه 3 مرداد 1402 – ایران در سالگرد درگذشت پادشاهان پهلوی

ایران در سالگرد درگذشت پادشاهان پهلوی

میهمانان: آقایان سهیل ملک پور و نیما سعیدی

سه شنبه ۳ مرداد | ۲۱:۳۰ تهران | ایران فردا بازپخش : ۶ صبح و ۱۴:۳۰

About Iranefarda TV Network:
IraneFarda is an independent, 24-hour Persian language television station. Its offices and studios are in London, UK. Its American branch is in Los Angeles, US. Iranefarda is not affiliated with any political or government group. Iranefarda TV features political, economic and business world and local news, hourly news updates, current affairs opinion and analysis, and educational programming with a strong line-up of locally produced shows featuring subject matter experts.

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